Journalists associated with News24 television were prohibited to enter the premise of District Police Office, Kaski, while they were on their way to collect information on 29 January 2020. They were stopped at the gate of the Office after the Chief Dan Bahadur Karki gave such order. Kaski lies in Gandaki Province.
According to FF's representative for Gandaki Province, Rajan Upadhyay, one of the members of the journalists' team, Uttam Paudel told him, "The bureau members wanted to follow up the news of fake gold and an incident concerning intoxicated police who had shown up in the office drunk".
However, Paudel and another journalist Rajendra Adhikari were denied entry to the office following the publication of news in titled, "Fake gold in custody! And, the mysterious silence of Kaski Police". They said that they are obligated to rely on external sources to collect news.
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