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Reporter receives death threat over news

Nayapatrika national daily’s Jhapa based reporter Chiranjivi Ghimire received death threat for his reporting on May 4. Jhapa lies in Koshi Province of Nepal.

Reporter Ghimire  shared with Freedom Forum that news with reporter Ghimire’s byline was published on web portal of the daily https://www.nayapatrikadaily.com/ on May 4. The news was about illegal extraction in the Mawa river with involvement of local representatives and the locals being threatened by contractors.

After publication of news, contractor Binod Thapa called Ghimire on mobile and threatened saying that he could do anything to Ghimire. Thapa also spoke foul during the call, according to Ghimire. Thereafter, reporter Ghimire filed a complaint at a local police office in Damak.

Reporter Ghimire  further informed that Deputy Superintendent of Police Nisan Thapa has assured of calling the contractor to police  station for further investigation. Ghimire added, “I am also discussing with fellow journalists and preparing to lodge a complaint against the contractor for his offensive behavior.”

Freedom Forum condemns the threat issued to reporter. The contractor  should adopt legitimate ways to address his concern over  news but threatening and speaking foul  upon reporter is a gross  violation of press  freedom.

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