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Ward chairperson misbehaves with reporters

Reporters from  Makwanpur, Bagmati Province Manju Mainali and Chhabi Anitya were misbehaved  while  reporting on May 14. Mainali is reporter to Himalaya Times national  daily and Anitya is associated with Sourya daily.

Reporter Mainali told Freedom Forum that She along  with fellow reporter Anitya reached Hetauda Sub-metropolitan city’s ward office to collect news and information on Chepang community children being deprived of birth registration. Reporters duo were on follow-up reporting for the news published four months ago about six children in a Chepang community family deprived of birth registration certificate. 

“When we asked ward chairperson Deepak Khadka about the birth registration of the children, Khadka furiously told us to leave the office or he would use force  to send us out. Thapa also called us ‘thief’ and seized reporter Anitya’s mobile while he was trying to record video of the incident”, shared reporter Mainali.

“Furthermore, Khadka and other ward members again took to social media to share 'fake information' about us through Facebook live. This is serious harassment, I am very disturbed. In this situation, I am unable to continue my profession”, said Mainali in a disappointment.

Freedom Forum condemns the harassment meted out to reporters. Ward Chaiperson’s behavior towards reporters is a sheer violation of press freedom  and  their right to information. FF urges the concerned authority to respect journalists' right to free reporting on public concern.

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