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Journalists manhandled during reporting

Journalists associated with different online news media were manhandled while reporting on May 22 in Kathmandu.

Journalists were Krishna Kattel and Navraj Pahadi from  https://www.hareknews.com/, Sudeep Bhandari from  https://pathibharachannel.com/, Pushkar Bhandari from https://www.rightsanchar.com/ were manhandled while reporting on footpath expansion in New Road.

According to Kattel, the locals were protesting against the Kathmandu Metropolitan City’s order to expand footpath at New Road area.

“After we reached there to report on the KMC’s order and locals views, few local people pushed us out of the premises. They also kicked one of the journalists and tried to seize our reporting devices but the on-duty police officers helped us leave the site safely”, journalist Kattel shared.

Ward chair apologizes 
Thereafter, as journalists tried  to report the incident at a nearby police station, ward chairperson Chin Kaki Maharjan apologized to them  on behalf of the protestors and ensured that such incident will not repeat in future.

“It seems the attack was targeted against me as I have been reporting on the issues surrounding the place. I have also learned that a social campaign along with my photo has been started to ban my entry to New Road area. But this does not stop my work”, Kattel said.

Freedom Forum is concerned towards the intimidation upon journalists. It is a sheer violation of press freedom. Journalists reporting on protest and public issues must not be targeted. The security authority is urged to ensure security of journalists while report in the premises, while locals must cooperate with journalists for reporting in public spaces. 

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