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Female journalist faces threat of attack for news reporting

Reporter with capitalnepal.com Dilu Karki received threat of attack for a news story published on the portal on August 6. The news portal is operated from Kathmandu, Bagmati Province.

A news about illegal transaction from Australia to Nepal through a fake company- was published on the portal with reporter Karki’s byline on August 4. According to the news, ‘Namaste Remittance’ company is involved in remittance activities without permission from Nepal Rastra Bank, a responsible authority to govern monetary and foreign exchange policies in Nepal. The news has cited screenshots of Whatsapp messages and transaction messages of the company sent to its clients.

Following its publication, a person naming himself ‘Raju’ called on Karki’s mobile and asked her to delete the news or bear consequences. Reporter Karki received 12 calls from number +097100 on her mobile. The caller also accused reporter Karki of accepting bribes to writing news against them. He threatened Karki that he knew her and her family and he would do anything to defame and attack her and her family members if she did not delete the news.

Thereafter, Karki suggested the caller to go to the Press Council Nepal for any concern over news content instead of threatening her.

She has filed a complaint at District Police Range, Kathmandu against the caller today (August 6). 

Freedom Forum condemns the threat issued to reporter. The concerned is strongly urged to seek a legitimate way to dissatisfaction over published news instead of threatening a journalist.

FF also urges the security authority to heed Karki’s complaint and ensure her safety to prevent any untoward incidents.


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