Journalists at were threatened to remove contents from the website on December 29. The news portal operated from Bhaktapur, Bagmati Province publishes news, articles and audio visual contents related to books and literature.
Chief editor at the online Aswinin Koirala shared that an email was received from Bookhill Publication threatening to delete the news published about the publication's fraud to author Sunil Kumar Jha. The email addressed to the author further read- if the news was not deleted, the email sender would report to American Embassy and police.
The news published on December 26 in editor Krishna Dhungel's byline, quoted author Jha as saying that he had paid whole amount for book publication as demanded by Executive Chief of publication Bhupendra Khadka but he could not get printed copies of the book on time. Due to this, he had to bear huge loss.
Freedom Forum condemns the threat issued to the journalists and author. It is violation of freedom of expression.
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