Over a news story aired by the Radio Shaligram of Parbat, a district in the western hill of Nepal, a local running a crusher industry has issued death threat to the Station Manager of Radio, Om Ghayal.
On July 5, crusher owner Ram Krishna Malla issued death threat to Station Manager Ghayal over the news on the illegal running of the crusher.
Talking to Freedom Forum, Ghayal, who is a senior journalist in the district, said, "I was threatened of life by crusher owner Malla merely because my Radio aired the news about the illegal operation of the crusher industry. The crusher industry was set up by encroaching upon the roadway and religious site."
He added that after the threat, he complained in the local authority seeking person security.
The incident is an example that those doing business illegally are always against media in Nepal.
Freedom Forum condemns the incident as it is the sheer violation of the press freedom. The local security is strongly urged to heed the matter and provide security to the Station Manager Ghayal, so as to help protect media freedom.
For More Information
Freedom Forum
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Post Box No: 24292
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Email: monitoring@freedomforum.org.np; info@freedomforum.org.np;