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Journalist threatened of life over a news story  

Reporter at https://nepalgroundzero.com/ Subhak Mahato received death threat for his news story on August 10. The news portal is operated from Kathmandu, Bagmati Province.

Talking to Freedom Forum, reporter Mahato shared that he had been following updates on Pokhara International Airport since its construction. "In this context I uploaded a video and news about the alleged involvement of Director General at Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) Pradip Adhikari in a scam of more that Rs 15 billion during construction of the airport on August 9", Mahato said. 

"Thereafter, an unknown person called on my Whatsapp number from an international number 1(678)5236569 and spoke foul on me. He also threatened me of taking life and my family members", reporter Mahato informed, "He also warned me to stop writing news against the CAAN and the airport or face consequences."

Freedom Forum condemns the threat issued to reporter Mahato. The concerned person is urged to seek legitimate way for any reservation over over published news instead of threatening the reporter.

It is sheer violation of press freedom,which has panicked reporter and his family. FF therefore also urges the concerned administration and rights body to pay heed to reporter Mahato to ensure his safety.

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